About Jim
Jim is no stranger to the world of governance as he has spent the past 30 years participating at public tables influencing public policy. In 2016, Jim as CEO for CHP Hamilton Mountain was the spokesperson for CHP Canada for a Judicial Review regarding political free speech in Canada; the 3 judges unanimously ruled strongly in favour of CHP Canada’s right to political free speech. In 2021, he was the CHP Canada spokesperson for a Judicial Review where the City of Guelph removed pro-life ads from their buses with their reason being that usage of the term ‘human’ was inaccurate because ‘an unborn child is not human’. Currently Jim is CHP Canada spokesperson in a Judicial Review of a City of Hamilton decision to reject a bus shelter ad with the caption, ‘Woman . . . An adult female’. Jim is a vocal and public figure with a long record of promoting and defending family, life and freedom in the public square and has earned the respect of Canadian voters who agree.
Jim, like CHP Canada, believes that Canadians must be free to believe or not believe and to have the freedom to peacefully express those beliefs publicly without fear of prosecution. If Canadians do not have the freedom to speak publicly about public policy then we will be subject to tyrannical regimes; these are things worth fighting for.